What are the shortcodes I can use in a sandbox welcome message?

We've made a few shortcodes available for use in your custom sandbox welcome message. If you can think of other shortcodes that would be useful for your sandbox, please let us know!

💡 PRO TIP: You can use these shortcodes anywhere in your sandbox, not just in the sandbox welcome message. Anywhere you'd think to use shortcodes — think: pages, posts, custom content — these should work there also.

Available Shortcodes

Here are the shortcodes you can use in sandbox welcome messages:

[ShortCode] Description
[tdr_username] Username of Admin User. Currently, this is always "sandbox" and cannot be changed.
[tdr_url] Full Web Address URL of Sandbox
[tdr_expiration_notice] Prints the expiration notice text (see below for details of this text).
[tdr_one_click_login_url] Anonymous One-Click Login link. The "Allow One-Click Logins" option must be enabled for this sandbox for this to work. Use with caution. Allows anonymous one-click logins to the sandbox with a sharable link. Note: disabling this option disables the corresponding shortcode.

Where to Use

These shortcodes may be used in the Welcome Message Edit tab.

Expiration Notice Text

Expiration notice text varies based on the expiration settings of the sandbox. The notice text can be one of the following options:

Expiration Setting
Message Displayed
Never Expires "This Sandbox does not have an expiration date"
Expiration Date in the future "This Sandbox will expire in {{HUMAN READABLE TIME UNTIL EXPIRY}}"

Where {{HUMAN READABLE TIME UNTIL EXPIRY}} is the simplified language describing the difference between now and when this sandbox is configured to expire.

For example:

"This Sandbox will expire in 2 hours."
"This Sandbox will expire in 6 minutes."
"This Sandbox will expire in 2 weeks."
Sandbox is already expired "This Sandbox has expired and will be deleted soon"

Deprecated Legacy Shortcodes

These shortcodes were allowed in previous versions of this product. These shortcodes are no longer supported, so do not use them. If migrating templates from the legacy system, be sure to remove these shortcodes. These each return an empty string.

[ShortCode] Description
[tdr_password] Displayed the initial password set for the default admin user account.
No longer supported. Do not use. Returns an empty string.
[tdr_email_input] Displayed a form field to allow entry of a new admin email address. 
No longer supported. Do not use. Returns an empty string.
[tdr_email_submit] Showed a submit button to save the new admin email address entered in the form. 
No longer supported. Do not use. Returns an empty string.
[tdr_subscribe] Showed a checkbox to allow subscription to the newsletter. 
No longer supported. Do not use. Returns an empty string.
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